We are seeking members with professional skills to volunteer and enhance our Section’s work:

  • Do you have experience in Marketing and/or Public Relations and have an interest in assisting the Section with public relations and branding?
  • Are you good photographer? Would you like to take photos of our speakers and members at our meetings and events?
  • Do you enjoy Merchandising? Our Thrift Shop is seeking individuals who have an eye for fashion.
  • Are you a numbers person with experience in Accounting? Business? Finance? Banking?
  • Are you creative and enjoy planning events? Would you like to be part of a team that is creating our programs? Planning our trips? Or even planning Fundraising events?
  • Are you a Teacher or a Therapist who wants to volunteer your professional skills working with a child, swimming and/or exercising with a person with Multiple Sclerosis or want to share yourself with our myriad of community service partners?
  • Are you a Social Worker, Lawyer or Health Professional who is concerned about our democracy and is interested in writing action alerts, testifying at legislative hearings, or serving on an advocacy committee?

Please contact Cathy Mirra, Vice President of Membership, at cmirra30@gmail.com about your interest and you will be referred to someone who will speak with you to connect you to our team members.’