About Us

A Commitment to Generations of Women

NCJW BCS remains distinct among organizations – courageous, compassionate, powerful, and above all pioneering.

In 1923, fourteen women formed the Bergen County Section of NCJW to make a difference in their community. Today, more than 100 years later, NCJW BCS remains an active part of the Bergen County Community, committed to providing non-sectarian community service, advocacy, education and philanthropy.

Together We Are Stronger

NCJW is the oldest Jewish women’s grassroots organization in the country and is continually guided by Jewish values that call on us to improve the lives of the most vulnerable. NCJW Bergen County Section (NCJW BCS) is part of this national network of affiliates across the country that make up NCJW. Collectively, there are 210,000 members, supporters, and advocates. Our national headquarters, NCJW, Inc., is located in Washington, D.C.

Join Us

Add a new dimension to your life by meeting a group of dynamic, compassionate, like-minded women.
  • Hear compelling speakers
  • Enjoy interesting trips
  • Make new friends
  • Give back to your community

Help to Empower Our Future

Your voice has never been more essential and our voices together make a meaningful difference in the world. It all starts by getting involved. Consider the possibilities. Be a part of the solution. Whatever your interests – from a one-time commitment to ongoing leadership roles – we have a place for you. Show the world where you stand and champion the needs of women, children and families by supporting what matters.

Co-Presidents Message

  • Elizabeth Halverstam
    Elizabeth Halverstam

    Retired Executive Director of nonprofit arts-in-education organization, where she served for 28 years.

  • Joan Ornstein
    Joan Ornstein

    Joan has had many varied careers, including restaurant owner, handbag designer, model and personal trainer.

  • Paula Star
    Paula Star

    Entrepreneur and former banking executive with expertise in management and financial analysis.

This year we are thrilled to be embarking on our 101st year, the first year of our new Century!

Our Centennial Year has been the most wonderful year of celebration. It commenced with a ‘Twenties Night’ in October where members and guests kicked up their heels to ‘Oldies’ music. It continued with trip down memory lane in April when 140 members, including 25 past presidents and one member who joined in 1953, reflected on the past and looked toward the future. In June the year ended with an amazing champagne luncheon, where our special Guest Speaker was New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and our new officers were installed by NCJW’s National CEO, Sheila Katz. We honored six Women of the Century, recognized for their outstanding contributions and pioneering work for NCJW BCS. The Centennial was documented in two amazing publications, “NCJW BCS: The Movie” and “Our Chronicle”. The Honorary Chair of the Centennial was former New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg.

The year was memorable too, in that we were largely able to put the pandemic behind us. We returned to mostly in-person meetings and gatherings and enjoyed speakers as diverse as Fleur Hassam-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, and Nina Pineda of WABC-TV who gave us tips on how to avoid Frauds and Scams.

NCJW’s work today continues to focus on: Education, Community Service, Philanthropy and Advocacy. Our members are re-energized and have returned to many of our Community Service projects and the Council Resale Shop. We are proud to work with 16 programs in Bergen County. Some of our activities include the donation of birthday cakes to children in a residential facility, crafts and cooking with preschoolers, parties with seniors, and therapeutic water exercises. Our volunteer opportunities were highlighted at a successful Community Services Fair.

Our Advocacy efforts continue to address some of the most critical issues affecting our communities, including expanding access to reproductive health, combating racial injustice and antisemitism, providing education on human trafficking, and promoting and protecting the vote. We are especially proud that our work is being recognized when the Teaneck International Film Festival presents us with their ‘Women of Wisdom’ Award for the work we portrayed in “NCJW BCS: The Movie”.

We are working to change and adapt to new situations with the ongoing implementation of our Strategic Plan. We are committed to working slowly and steadily, building on the strong, 100- year roots of our organization and determining how we can branch out and reach new heights, to benefit our Section, our community and our country. We believe, as Ruth Bader Ginsburg so famously said, “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.”

Membership in NCJW Bergen County Section is unique in offering you a myriad of ways to make a difference. As we finally resume our ‘normal’ lives after COVID, this is a good time to think about how you can make your own difference. Try something new! Volunteer on community service projects, participate on committees, advocate for social justice issues, review scholarship applications, create educational opportunities for members, photograph events, fundraise, recruit new members, make generous donations and much more. We need your help to make the next century even better than the last!

Joan, Paula and Elizabeth

Officers for 2023-2024

  • Honorary President:  Bea Podorefsky
  • Honorary Vice President: Ina Miller Silverstein
  • Co-Presidents: Joan Ornstein, Paula Star, Elizabeth Halverstam
  • Vice President Administration: Linda Walden
  • Vice Presidents Advocacy/Education: Gina Plotino, Ginny Wasserman
  • Vice President Communications: Marilynn Friedman
  • Vice Presidents Community Services: Flora Perskie, Joan Schnuer
  • Vice President Fundraising: Phyllis Palley
  • Vice President Membership: Cathy Mirra
  • Vice Presidents Resale Shop: Fran Einiger, Pauline Hecht
  • Treasurer: Liz Roditi
  • Recording Secretary: Norma Goldsmith


Women of the Century

  • Nita Gottesman
  • Ann Levenstein
  • Marcia Levy
  • Bea Podorefsky
  • Ina Miller Silverstein
  • Ruth Cowan

Colleagues For Life

This honor is given in appreciation and recognition to past board members who have had at least 18 years of active board participation but no longer hold a position on the board. As Colleagues for Life, they are welcome to attend board meetings but will not have a vote.

  • 2018  Gloria Ansh, Natalie Landau and Pearl Sorkow
  • 2020  Celia Argintar
  • 2022  Elaine Bieger, Grace Fuld and Addie Rudin