This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.


On Thursday, September 27 at 12:30 PM at Temple Emeth, 1666 Windsor Rd, Teaneck, NJ 07666, NCJW BCS is proud to host Tami Luchow, a diversity and leadership speaker and consultant. Ms. Luchow speaks across the country about the intersection of diversity, inclusion and disability. She is a change-maker who believes passionately in equality for people with visible and invisible disabilities.

Ms. Luchow weaves her own story of being an actress and a journalist at NBC News into her talks as an inspirational speaker to groups of all ages. Her focus is about including and caring for others as we do ourselves. In an interview with the Bergen Record in January 2017, Ms. Luchow talked about how each of us is unique and can add value to any given situation as long as there is a foundation of respect and understanding.

Born 47 years ago, 2 months premature and weighing just over 2 pounds, missing part of her right leg, a few fingers and some toes, Ms. Luchow was determined to live the life of a normal child. Today, she helps countless individuals defy the odds and lead normal lives. Ms. Luchow lives in New Jersey with her husband and two sons.

The meeting is free to members.  There is a $10 charge for non-members applicable toward membership if paid that day. For further information, contact Barbara Tilliss at or contact the NCJW BCS office at 201-385-4847 or