NCJW BERGEN COUNTY SECTION LAUNCHES AN ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING POSTER INITIATIVEAccording to statistics there are 20.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide, 5.5 million of whom are children. Many of these children come from homes in our own neighborhoods. To create awareness of and to help end this terrible situation, NCJW BCS members are fanning out into Bergen County communities distributing posters and other materials. The materials, available in English and Spanish, highlight the dangers of trafficking and include a tear-off with the National hotline number to report trafficking and to seek help. On September 10, nearly 20 Bergen County Section members met with three NCJW/Essex members who developed this project and shared their knowledge, experience and passion with the Bergen County members. The initiative is being chaired by Bergen County Section member Cathy Mirra, who until her retirement was the Administrator of the Bergen County Youth Services Commission. To participate in this new advocacy/community service project and to learn more about human trafficking, all NCJW BCS members are invited to our next meeting on October 17 at 12 noon at Temple Emeth. For more information, contact Cathy Mirra at 201-342-2240;