NCJW BCS MEMBERS VOLUNTEER AT HIPPYOn Wednesday, October 30, a group of NCJW BCS volunteers met at Bergen Family Center to provide a pre-Halloween experience for children ages 2-5 whose parents were attending their first Parents’ workshop as part of the Bergen Family Center’s HIPPY ( Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) Program. Crafts and games were enjoyed by the children while their parents met with the HIPPY staff. During the evening a check for $5,000.00 was presented to Rachele Ventrone, Home Instruction Coordinator for Bergen Family Center. This money is part of a five year grant, funded by the Goldberg Nursery School, formerly functioning in Westwood, NJ, and designated by the Goldberg School specifically for the HIPPY Program. The fund is administered by NCJW BCS. The money continues to be used to provide Enrichment Programming for HIPPY children and their families. This fall HIPPY families will attend the Big Apple Circus in NYC. |