From Torah to Terrorist Cop – March General Meeting
Mordecai Dzikansky is a Brooklyn born and bred yeshiva boy who went on to become an NYPD detective assigned as the lead investigator on the Torah task force. Ultimately he was posted as the NYPD liaison to the Israel National Police. Detective Dzikansky is an expert on global security and is called upon by community organizations to provide first-hand analysis on preventing and responding to terrorism. His main focus was intelligence-gathering and the immediate relay of key information back to NYC to enhance the Department’s ability to recognize, react to and prevent or recover from terrorist acts. He was also involved in providing information gathered in the Middle East concerning terrorism financing to his NYPD counterparts. He responded in person to and analyzed 30 bombing scenes in Israel and several attacks globally, including events in Turkey, Russia, Spain and Egypt. Detective Dzikansky worked with senior members of the Israeli intelligence community on investigations which connect NYC and the State of Israel. He currently lectures and consults on global security and policing topics and is called upon by various law enforcement agencies, academic think tanks and community organizations to provide first-hand analysis of the current terror trends, lessons learned and world-wide applications in preventing and responding to terrorism. Please join us on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 12:30 pm at Temple Emeth, 1666 Windsor Road, Teaneck, NJ, to hear Detective Dzikansky tell his amazing story. The meeting is free for members. There will be a $10 charge for non-members applicable towards membership if paid that day. For more information, contact Fran Einiger at 201-678-1809 or |