BERGEN FAMILY CENTER- SENIORS SHINING LIGHTSThe Bergen Family Center in Englewood has programs for the frail elderly as well as for the visually impaired of all ages. NCJW BCS provides a monthly birthday party for all those whose birthdays occur during the month. Ice cream with all the fixings, cake, songs, word games and a token gift for each celebrant, help raise the spirits of those in attendance. We also have a raffle which brings excitement as well as a small gift to each winner. Periodically we provide entertainment. It could be the Syncopated Seniors (a dance group a la TheRockettes), or the Sassy Ladies, a fun loving dance group of retirees. We have musicians who make the center jump. Often the quietest participants get up and dance. Occasionally we bring in an entertainer who makes everyone laugh. Then there are women who bring in dogs for petting which has great appeal. We know how much the programs are appreciated by the warm greetings and the hugs and kisses we receive when we come. This is truly a very gratifying program for us as well as the participants. For more information contact Erika Reis (201) 384-2287, email or Phyllis Schriger (201) 569-7191, email |