Pacesetter Awards 2020 – Joan Cooper and Joan Schnuer
This relatively new award was created to recognize a newer Board member who has demonstrated potential leadership qualities, been on the Board for five years or less and has accepted a position on the Executive Committee. It should be noted that these people have moved up too rapidly to qualify as emerging leaders.
Joan Cooper jumped right into the role of an active Board member by heading the Summer Campership committee, which oversees granting scholarships to send children of low-income working parents to day camp. After a short time on the Board, she became a Co-Vice President of Advocacy and Education, heading up a committee to fight human trafficking, organized a team for a Get Out the Vote Campaign to reach out to members without emails to keep them current on election news and worked with her Co-President Ginny Wasserman to schedule some outstanding speakers and events for the Section. She continues to evolve through her many interests and talents.
Joan Schnuer started off as a Co-Chair of our Symphony program to enlist members to sign up. She immediately caught the attention of three of our most outstanding leaders, Jane Abraham, Henrietta Wolfeiler and Bea Podorefsky. Each of them recognized her potential and in no time, she became co-chair of HIPPY and went on to become Co-Vice President of Membership. When she comes up for air, there’s no doubt we will be hearing a lot more about her.

Pacesetter Award 2019 – Joan Ornstein
The Pacesetter Award was presented to Joan Ornstein at our Fall Membership Luncheon on October 24, 2019. Joan, an active member of the Board for three years and a Co-Vice President of Fundraising, is a dynamo and has jumped right in with her energy and creativity to support our mission and activities. Her Summer Social, Fashion Trunk Show, and other creative fund raising ideas will definitely take us over the top.
Pacesetter Award 2018 – Bari-Lynne Schwartz
A newly-created Pacesetter Award, approved by the BCS Board of Directors, recognizes a newer board member who has demonstrated potential leadership qualities, been on the board for five years or less and has accepted a position on the Executive Committee. It should be noted that this award is very similar to the Emerging Leader Award with the difference being that these women have moved up too rapidly to qualify as “emerging.” We are pleased to announce the first recipient of Bergen County Section’s Pacesetter award is Co-Vice President of Advocacy/Education Bari-Lynne Schwartz, who received her award at the Membership Luncheon on October 16, 2018.