SYMPHONY SERIES 2016-2017Click here to download and print application form. Grieg, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Brahms After the resounding success of prior seasons, we are inviting you to join us for our 4th season to hear the wonderful New Jersey Symphony play the masters and help NCJW BCS at the same time. As a fundraiser, the Bergen County Section is offering subscriptions for the coming season, 2016-2017. It’s an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon with other members and friends and also support programs for people in need. There are five performances at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) in Newark on Thursday afternoons. Transportation by motor coach is included in the price for all 5 concerts. Bus will leave from Temple Emeth in Teaneck at 12:30 pm and return by 4:30 pm. Concert dates: October 6th, October 27th, March 23rd, May 11th, and June 8th PRICES FOR ALL CONCERTS INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION SECTION D 3RD TIER BACK $135.00 SECTION C 3RD TIER FRONT $205.00 SECTION B 2ND TIER BACK $255.00 SECTION A 2ND TIER $385.00 SECTION P 1ST TIER $475.00
The subscriptions are available to members and non-members, so do invite your friends and relatives to join us as well. The deadline is August 31, 2016. Please respond as soon as possible by sending your check or credit card information. This season you will receive a voucher for a complimentary concert of your choice. (Some restrictions will apply and no transportation will be available for the complimentary voucher.)